Artwork by Jakob Grim. This story is part of the collection Death To Humans.

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The Hunter King

4 out of 5

I’ve never been the type of person to kill anything, even insects, and especially not animals. Being a devout believer in God, and member of P.E.T.A., I own two cats, and cherish their existence as I do my own. Animals showcase an innocence unlike humans. Wild animals only strive to survive and frolic in nature; the human race, on the other hand, is driven toward extinction and seeks to destroy and isolate nature.


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Reviews (1)

December 13, 2023

Grim (Editor's Notes)

Overall (4 out of 5)
Prose (Writing) (4 out of 5)
Plot (The Story) (4 out of 5)
Written during the Corrosion Project years, this started out as an essay that became popular due to its over-the-top nature and a classic poke at Ted Nugent towards the end. Still to this day, I get a kick out that barb.
Patrick Kill
Patrick Kill
Patrick Kill specializes in writing the most absurd, iconoclastic humorous dark fiction around. At 6’1’’, he is the tallest midget on earth. He is a competitive eater…of children. He prefers footie pajamas with someone else’s feet in them. He fishes for dead bodies in drainage ditches during the day and traps for yeti at night. He is the most ridiculous man in the world. His favorite saying is: “I don’t always eat humans, but when I do, it’s dos Mexicanos. Stay evil, my friends.”
Written during the Corrosion Project years, this started out as an essay that became popular due to its over-the-top nature and a classic poke at Ted Nugent towards the end. Still to this day, I get a kick out that barb.The Hunter King